Teen Depression and Suicide | Cute Family

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Teen Depression and Suicide

Depression is a low mood that usually involves anger, sadness and being hopeless. It’s very common especially in adolescence period. Depression among teens should be taken seriously as depression grows with time and if not well treated depression among teens leads to suicide. Suicide cases among teens are mostly as a result of extreme depression.

depression among teens has many effects which are all dangerous. The effects are also an indication of depression in teens. These effects and or symptoms are as follows:

 1.Drug abuse

Drugs are usually seen as substances that make someone forget something bad, in our case depression. Most teenagers first result into drug abuse to reduce depression as they are told by their peers. Alcohol is usually the first drug they turn to due to it availability. Others smoke bhang and cigarettes. In states where hard drugs are available the teen goes for them. These drugs always worsen the situation. They lead the teens to violentactivities such as theft and fights.


A teenager who is experiencing depression usually tends to keep to him or herself. They do not involve themselves in social activities. They only communicate with specific people and the chat is very little. Whenever they have a problem they are not willing to find help from other people. You will find such a teenager always indoors in the room without interacting with other teenagers.


Teenagers undergoing depression tend to find that they are not worth being in existence. Nothing they do that they can find it worth. You will find such a teenager saying he has no future dreams and cannot gain anything from life. This is a very low self-esteem. Such a teenager will feel unwanted in the society and kind of rejected. Anything that such a teenager does will think it will be rejected. The teen will feel like there is s much over him that he or she can’t manage to handle at all.

4.Extreme anger

A teen experiencing depression is usually high tempered. Any negative remark on him or her gets the teen very angry. This is a major cause of fighting among teens.


This is usually as a result of anger and drug abuse by a teen experiencing depression. The teen can also be very sober but can do very violent stuff. The teen can be involved in planning and even financing for a school strikes. In extreme cases the teen can resort into arson especially of school property. You will find such a teenager being involved in reckless activities such as unsafe sex with multiple partners. The teen may even cause cuts and burns to him or her.

6.Poor eating and sleeping habits

You will find a teenager undergoing a depression change his or her eating behavior. He may also lack sleep.

7.Running away

There have been many cases of teenagers running away from home or school. Some may return and others never return forever. You will often find announcements on the media about parents and learning institution looking for lost teens. Some parents may think it was a kidnap but it may be that the teen was suffering from depression.

8.Reduced participation in activities

Such a teen will always miss out in activities such as sports and going out. This is a major symptom of depression among teens.

9.Poor school performance

Depression among teens makes them loose concentration in class due to lots of thinking, hopelessness, drug abuse and lack of paying attention on homework. The teen may also miss to attend some lessons or drop out of school completely.


This is usually the most devastating effect of depression among teens since life is lost. Such a teen will talk of being not worth on the earth. This is the last thing that the teenager chooses if the depression is not detected and treated early enough.

With noting the above symptoms of depression among teens, you can be able to find a solution to help your teen out of the depression. This includes:
Talking calmly to your depressed teen is a good and an effective way. Let him feel free to tell you whatever he needs and provide it.

You should provide the teen with antidepressants under guidance of a doctor since they may come with side effects
One should help the teen undergo therapy such as acupuncture and psychotherapy.

If the guardian of a teen undergoing depression takes the necessary steps and be observant on the teen’s behavior at home and school then you will be of great help to the teen.



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